Friday, January 2, 2015

HATERS GONNA HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE: presents the 15 most scathing restaurant reviews of 2014. Here's one from one-time ALOTT5MA Fave (yes, we still have that title) Jay Rayner:
I’ve said it many times: I have no problem spending big money on meals out. I’ve paid more than £282 of my own dosh for lunch. It just needs to be utterly memorable, the stuff of recollections whispered breathily late at night. It can’t be a pallid fart of mediocrity, priced for some dodgy clientele that’s ripped off the gross national product of a small impoverished nation and is now domiciled in London for tax reasons. That’s what your money gets you at Quattro Passi: clumsy cooking, trying to make itself look grown up and clever, generally by the application of flaky precious metals, like King Midas has suffered psoriasis over your dinner. Yes, really. We’ll get there.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PAY PHONE AT BEST BUY?  Buzzfeed determines that it would've been impossible for Ryan Atwood to reach Marissa Cooper before midnight, as memorably depicted on The O.C.  

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

ALOTT5MA FRIDAY GRAMMAR RODEO TUESDAY YEAR-END CHRIS TRAEGER FAREWELL EDITION:  Notable smart person Steven Pinker talks a lot about grammar with The Atlantic:
Porch: What do you think about the flagrant misuse of the word “literally”? Does it literally make your head explode? 
Pinker: [Laughs.] It’s understandable why people do it. We are always in search of superlatives, of ways of impressing upon our hearer that something that happened is noteworthy or even extraordinary. And the words we use to signal that eventually lose their meaning. 
Porch: Like “awesome.” 
Pinker: “Awesome” is a recent example. In the UK, “brilliant” is used for the most banal observations. Before that, words like “terrific,” meaning inspiring terror, “wonderful,” inspiring wonder, “fabulous,” worthy of fable. We see the fossils of dead superlatives that our ancestors overused the way we overuse “awesome.” “Literally” is a victim of a similar type of inflation. The figurative use doesn’t mean the language is deteriorating. Hyperbole has probably been around as long as language has been around.... 
Porch: Does the comma go inside the closed quotation mark or outside?
Pinker: If I ruled the world, it would go outside.

Monday, December 29, 2014

DIVIDENDS WILL BE PAID IN CUSTARD:  Shake Shack has filed for an initial public offering.