Friday, April 3, 2015

MORE SENSATIONAL THAN COACH: THE NEXT GENERATION: I assume our uniform answer to the idea of The Muppet Show being revived is "hell, yes," right?

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

MOTHER, MAY I MAKE A MOVIE? This is bonkers, and apparently real--Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig, under the radar, have made a Lifetime movie that'll debut this summer (presumably, early enough for Emmy consideration). HBO doesn't have a big important fictional movie this year (a la Normal Heart), and Sherlock, which plays in that category due to Emmy's weird rules, doesn't have new episodes, so this could be a really weird Emmy contender.
FOOLIN':  We aren't partaking this year (or at least I'm not), But this is an open thread to share your favorite April Fool's tomfoolery.  I'm biased, but I think my employer's is pretty good.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

BUCKNER AND GARCIA WOULD BE PROUD:  Have you ever wanted to play Pac-Man on the map of your neighborhood?  Now, courtesy of Google, you can!

Monday, March 30, 2015

IF YOU SMELLL-L-L-L-L ... WHAT THE ACCOUNTANTS FROM PRICE WATERHOUSE ... ARE COOKING:  Dwayne Johnson, future Oscars host?  [With a Ronda Rousey run-in?]
EASE ON DOWN THE ROAD:  This Thanksgiving, it's The Wiz: Live! on NBC--a couple of twists this time:

  • The show will feature choreography/contributions from Cirque du Soleil (presumably in the "flying monkeys" material).
  • New book material will be added by Harvey Fierstein, who will co-direct with Kenny Leon.
  • This will be the precusor to a Broadway revival of the show from the same creative team.  Unclear if they're looking for the cast to continue, but I'd expect they'll be looking for at least a Dorothy who will transfer.
Casting suggestions are invited--you have to assume they look to either Fantasia or Jennifer Hudson as Dorothy and Audra as Glinda, but how about Donald Glover as either the Scarecrow or the Tin Man?
COOL GIRLS AND MAD MEN:  It's Page Six, so take it with a grain of salt, but there are reports that Jon Hamm was originally slated to play Nick in Gone Girl, but was barred from doing so by Mad Men mastermind Matthew Weiner.
"THERE IS NO NEXT JON STEWART":  South African comic Trevor Noah will be the next host of The Daily Show.