Wednesday, February 1, 2012

STOP BENDIN' THE SHAFTS!  Thirty years ago tonight, David Letterman hosted Late Night With David Letterman for the first time. NYMag has compiled 19 video clips as a reminder of why he matters so much to all we find funny today, and the LA Times has 20 more.


  1. From New York, one of the most exciting cities in the Tri-State Area!

  2. Man, how I used to love those segments when Dave sent Rupert out as his martinet, saying obnoxious things to everyone he met.  (#11 on the NY Magazine list.) 

  3. bill.4:33 AM

    I wish they'd release the live morning show. Still think that's the best thing he ever did. How often does he look like he's having fun?

  4. Adam C.8:14 AM

    And I wish more of the Larry Bud Melman skits were available, even on YouTube.  My favorite:  an Ask Mr. Melman skit in which Larry Bud - who may have been in navy dress whites - is asked by an audience member "Is there a heaven?" Larry Bud replies, "I don't know about heaven, but I've been to hell -- TAMPA FLORIDA WHAT A HOLE! Please give this nice person [whatever the door prize was that day]."

  5. chuckie8:58 AM

    Anyone see Letterman and Howard Stern bashing Leno last night? 
