Thursday, April 15, 2010

MR. PENNINGTON TO MR. LILLIBRIDGE TO MR. WHITESELL, RUTHLESSLY PRICKING OUR GONFALON BUBBLE: Lookout Landing announces this year's Major League Baseball All-Jane Austen team.


  1. calliekl9:23 PM

    Oooo I've been wanting to mention that I found these awesome shirts online- literary baseball shirts! I want the Hester Prynne one.

  2. Ryan Benjamin Rowland-Smith not making the rotation is a tragedy.

  3. Genevieve10:54 AM

    There are no Ryans in Austen (as a first name, anyway).  Though the rest of his name is perfect.

    I originally thought the list was going to be Austen heroes and heroines as a roster, which would be awesome.  Catherine Morland (Northanger Abbey) enthusiastically played "base ball" as a child.

    Trying, and failing, to picture Papelbon in any Austen book. 

  4. I've never seen Micah in a Jane Austen book.  But Thomas James Everidge?  Solid.

  5. Neato Torpedo2:21 PM

    The Nationals have 2 of the starters.  Is it any wonder they've lead the league in losses 2 seasons in a row?

  6. Genevieve3:52 PM

    Justin, Chad, Blake, Kyle and Hayden are also unlikely Austenian first names.

    But Robert Nicholas Blackburn and Adam Parrish Wainwright are perfect.  They can be the next suitors for Kitty and Mary Bennet.

  7. Genevieve4:25 AM

    Catherine Morland (now Mrs. Henry Tilney) picked the Phillies to win two years ago:
