Sunday, May 18, 2003

RES IPSA LOQUITOR: Current sales figures on for the two American Idol finalists' first CD-singles:
Clay Aiken, "This Is The Night/On The Wings Of Love": #1
Ruben Studdard, "Flying Without Wings/Superstar": #84

In addition, these highlights on Newsweek's big piece on Idol in the new issue:
1. Your second graf: "Simon's never been much for chitchat, but he's particularly on edge now because of something strange occurring onstage. Kimberley Locke, who most everyone believes is a long shot to make it to the finals, is singing the pants off Ruben Studdard. Clay Aiken isn't at his best, but Studdard is really off. His rendition of Peabo Bryson's 'If Ever I'm in Your Arms Again' is so obviously uninspired that the judges are clearly worried. They even tell him to take off his distracting hat and sing again, even though the judges almost never comment on performers before the show. 'We have a problem,' Cowell is overheard carping outside the soundstage later. 'I want Ruben to be in the final two, and Kimberley just had a great rehearsal.'"

[Complete side note: why didn't Ruben sing the bridge of that song last week? It's, like, the best part of the song: "The best of romances/Deserves second chances/I'll get to you somehow/'Cause I promise now"]

2. The meme keeps on rolling. On Clay, the article notes: "he'd be perfect as the nerdy guy in 'Rent.'"

At three people, it's now an organization.

3. On last week's 'random' round: "It turns out that the 'random' round was much more stage-managed than it appeared. Despite all those papers in the bowls, there were only four songs per contestant, all carefully chosen to suit the singers’ vocal style and range. 'There wasn't 'The Macarena' in there or anything,' says Lythgoe. 'It wasn't going to be stupid.'"

Keep reading.