It was season ticket holders' open house at the new Eagles' stadium. Our seats have been on the fifty-yard line at the Vet since I was born (and since my dad went to games at Franklin Field in the 1960s), and the team has treated us well in transferring us across the street:

Yes, I blew up the yard marker just to confirm: dead center. The seats are higher than they were at the Vet, and the field's a bit further under street level, but the view's a great one because of how close the seats now are to the field. The angle's a lot better, and, what's more, we're now shaded by an overhang. Being up high at a football game isn't bad at all -- it gives you a lot more perspective on how plays develop, and lets you focus really well on the passing game.
On a personal note, I was heavily involved in defending the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development in litigation contesting the City Council ordinances which authorized the construction of the two new stadiums (see opinions 1, 2 or 3 for examples, all of which are in PDF), so it felt really nice to actually be in the stadium and say, hey, I'm a (very small) part of the reason this is here now. Cool.
Opening night against Tampa Bay is only 44 days away.