Thursday, July 24, 2003

"COMPLETE CONFIDENCE": Despite internal sniping about her performance, new NYT executive editor Bill Keller says that new Arts & Leisure editor Jodi Kantor is safe:
Keller says he has “complete confidence” in the current cultural team and recites the usual platitudes about “talented staff” and “something that doesn’t need fixing.” A close Keller ally confirms that the new editor really means it. “First of all, take Bill at his word that there’s not going to be bloodletting.” As for the controversial Kantor, the insider explains, “He thinks also her work has been very strong, and is aware that outside the paper and within it, there’s a sense that she’d really done some terrific stuff and made it a lot better in a short time. In the end, that’s what matters, rather than the thought she’s connected to the old management.”

Phew. Good article on the whole. Did you know that Keller personally recruited A.O. Scott to the paper based on one impressive piece on Martin Scorsese for

Via Romenesko.