Tuesday, June 24, 2003

BLOGGING -- LIGHT TODAY, TOMORROW . . . : Andy Lloyd of Pathetic Earthlings suggests the following Simpsons excerpt in re: The McGriddle:
Dr. Nick: Hi everybody!

Homer+Bart: Hi Doctor Nick!

Nick: Now there are many options available for dangerously underweighted individuals like yourself. I recommend a slow steady gorging process combined with assal horizontology.

Homer: [pensive] Of course.

Nick: [points to a chart] You'll want to focus on the neglected food groups such as the whipped group, the congealed group and the chocotastic!

Homer: What can I do to speed the whole thing up, Doctor?

Nick: Well...be creative. Instead of making sandwiches with bread, use poptarts. Instead of chewing gum, chew bacon, heh...

Bart: You could brush your teeth with milkshakes!

Dr. Nick: Hey, did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too? And remember, if you're not sure about something, rub it against a piece of paper. If the paper turns clear, it's your window to weight gain. Bye bye, everybody!

To me, it's still closer to the Good Morning Burger.

Anyone out there try it yet?