TALE AS OLD AS TIME: So now that Ashton Kutcher's social experiment has drawn to a close (except for the de rigueur tell-all reunion episode next week), it's time for me to announce the real hero of Beauty and the Geek.
It's certainly neither of the final two guys. Chuck turned out to be a rather smarmy intellectualler-than-thou fellow, and Richard -- well, he's Richard. Although the piano-playing did salvage him to a certain limited extent.
Of the ladies, Caitilin (that's Kite-a-lin, not Caitlin) was no great shakes either. First, which brilliant producer decided to film her final confessionals sans the layer of makeup that was necessary to transform many of these "beauties" into Beauties? Baaaad idea. And second, when it came time to share her greatest passion with Chuck, she chose to cook him a magnificent dinner using the skills de cuisine taught to her by her beloved mama, and -- steamed some sweet potatoes in the microwave. (Watch this technique: you poke holes in the potatoes!) Alert Saveur and Gourmet pronto!
No -- the real shining star of Beauty and the Geek was Mindi, the sorority girl from Lee's Summit, Missouri. For three weeks in a row, Chuck and Caitilin sent Mindi and the beyond-aggravating Richard to the elimination room, and for three weeks in a row, it was Mindi's perfect scores on the elimination quizzes that saved Richard's now-thrice-smooched lips from returning to Brandeis before their time. Mindi tolerated Richard with grace far beyond anything the other beauties could have mustered, and even promised Richard, with a friendly laugh, that she'd make out with him if they won. (Sadly for Richard, he could not think of Mindi's middle name during the second tie-breaker round -- have you ever heard of a Mindi with the middle name Jacki? -- and so his hopes were dashed.) And the delight she displayed at the song Richard had composed for her was both genuine and refreshing. Mindi carried Richard all the way to the finals, and I would have liked to see her win the whole $250k without having to share it with anyone else.
For sheer sweetness, Beauty and the Geek had nothing on Dancing with the Stars (and I only watched the last couple episodes of DwtS), but for fun summer television, it was perfectly enjoyable. And now I await the reunion episode with not-particularly-bated breath -- does anyone actually think that Erika will eagerly leap back into Brad's arms?