Tuesday, October 4, 2005

IT'S THE JERSEY TEAM: So, what did we learn from tonight's episode of TAR:Family?
  • Apparently, it's much harder to find gas in Northern Virginia than I remember when my family lived there.
  • The sky is, in fact, blue.
  • Always read the entirety of your clue, and don't assume that you know where your destination is.
  • The Paolo family still needs to shut up. The Godlewski sisters are rapidly heading in that direction.
  • Apparently, it's no longer a 12 hour pit stop, but probably longer or some sort of formula used to determine departure times.
  • Reading a map is an underappreciated talent.
  • Great detour, where neither alternative was clearly better than the other, and by running the detour straight into the pitstop, ensured some exciting footrace drama, always a plus.
  • Teams growing on me: Aiello, Bransen, and Linz.

If the teaser is correct, it seems that we'll see the return of at least some airport strategery, which could be made even more complicated if teams are given a choice of airports in the D.C. area.