COREY KEMP WAS UNAVAILABLE: I don't know whether I'm amused or horrified by these pictures of Philadelphia Mayor John Street camped out all day in his rain suit for a new iPhone. You'd think that being the (lame-duck) mayor of a city of 1.4 million carried with it a little more juice, either (a) the ability to have one provided to him by the company, or (b) at least a lackey to wait in line on his behalf...
edited, 12:10pm: A lackey has been found, says the Inq: "The mayor has left the sidewalk. After sitting and standing in line since 3:30 a.m. waiting for the Apple iPhone to go on sale - at 6 p.m. at an AT&T store - Mayor Street deferred to critics who lambasted him for wasting city time. Before he left at 11:30 this morning - he was third in line of about 15 people waiting - he defended himself and declared: I'm taking care of my business. By 4 a.m., I sent my first e-mail to my chief of staff. I was doing my job while the city was sleeping. I have my Blackberry with me."