Monday, June 11, 2007

Sports Features Communications™ - Sports Newsfeeds 24/7

WHY DO WE WATCH? WE WATCH BECAUSE IT'S ON THE TELEVISION: I am giddy about the fact that, after a five year hiatus, HBO is resurrecting its "Hard Knocks" NFL training camp documentary series with the Kansas City Chiefs this summer. Season one made Tony Siragusa into a media celebrity (for better or worse) and ranked on my first Top Ten Reality Seasons Ever (So Far) list -- "Hard Knocks kicked ass because it was 100%, completely, undeniably real: no contrived environment, no silly contests, just a bunch of guys fighting for their actual jobs in the real world while the veterans prepared their bodies for one more war." I can't wait to see what Tamba Hali, Ty Law and Brodie Coyle have for us.