- That, apparently, everything I own can be found in a box to the left.
- That my apology is belated. (And the related corollary--Timbaland can make ANYTHING sound funky--contrast this with this.)
- That "Superman" is a verb.
- That the proper way to count to 10 is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10.
- That we should continue believing, and also hold on to that feeling.
- That it has nothing to do with me, because it's personal.
- Times Square does not shine as brightly as a woman named Delilah.
- Rihanna apparently is very well prepared when it rains.
- That Ashley Tisdale apparently has hallucinations.
- "It's Britney, Bitch."
- That hotness is directly correlated with flyness.
- That Justin Timberlake is apparently a firm believer in karma.
Please provide your additional lessons for the year in comments.