Thursday, December 13, 2007

FROM THE SAME PEOPLE WHO BROUGHT YOU PIA ZADORA AS "BEST NEW STAR OF THE YEAR": Golden Globe nominations have been announced, including seven (?!) nominees for Best Picture-Drama, a John C. Reilly nod for Best Actor-Comedy/Musical for Walk Hard, a clearly not-yet-updated-online Best Actress list for Comedy/Musical,** and much general love for Atonement, Charlie Wilson's War (as a Comedy/Musical?), Michael Clayton and No Country for Old Men. No mention of Sidney Lumet's Before The Devil Knows You're Dead, which I know had many awards-rooters as well.

**Actual list, according to the wires, which will please many here: Amy Adams, "Enchanted"; Nikki Blonsky, "Hairspray"; Helena Bonham Carter, "Sweeney Todd"; Marion Cotillard, "La Vie En Rose"; Ellen Page, "Juno."