YOU GUYS ARE WRITERS; FINISH THE SENTENCE: Some odds, ends, and random thoughts from the writers' strike:
First, I know it's wrong to profit from somebody else's misfortune, but this strike couldn't have come at a better time for me. I'm eight episodes behind on Heroes, two and a half on Chuck, three or four on Gossip Girl, two on Runway, one or two on TAR, and an undetermined number on a bunch of shows I may never watch, like Reaper, Kid Nation, etc. It's going to take a six-week strike, plus the usual holiday down time, just to catch up.
Second, I'm no Jimmy Kimmel fan, but I think it's mighty big of him to pay his entire non-writing staff during the strike. I admire this from Leno, Letterman, and O'Brien, but $750K - $1MM per year of production salary is not life-changing for them; for Kimmel, who is paid far less, it could be, especially since Kimmel has been suspended without pay.
Third, Ask a Ninja breaks down the strike.
Fourth, if you're jonesing for new content (and you haven't yet received your Wire Season 4 because of unexpected demand), Amazon is showing three backstory clips -- Prop Joe getting them coming and going, McNulty making an impression on Bunk, and Omar calibrating his ethics meter.
TV Tattle; NPR