Wednesday, June 18, 2008

YOU CAN TELL BY THE WAY I USE MY WALK: Perhaps some of you have seen the film Staying Alive, the ill-conceived sequel to the sublime Saturday Night Fever? I happen to like the movie (like, not love), although Roger Ebert loathed it.

Our friends at The House Next Door are hooking up with Movie Geeks United! for a look back at films from the Summer of 1983, including, you guessed it, Staying Alive. The analysis of the film is simply priceless.

I do wonder why Cynthia Rhodes never had all that much of a career. I find her effective as an actress and she certainly was a good dancer and singer. [EDIT, per Jennifer J.] Here she is singing
(as a member of Animotion) her big hit "Room to Move" a song that has stood the test of time reasonably well. She is now married to pop singer/songwriter Richard Marx.

Kurtwood Smith, best known for his work on That '70's Show, plays a choreographer in Staying Alive! Who knew?

I do agree with the bloggers at The House Next Door that the soundtrack to Staying Alive is weak. Here is Frank Stallone (aka "Sly Stallone's brother") singing what is perhaps the key song from the film, "Far From Over,"a song that has not stood the test of time all that well.

I will note that Travolta looked great in the movie (he appears in the "Far From Over" video).