Wednesday, May 27, 2009

FROM MINNESOTA TO WYOMING: And with her correct spelling, Laura Galbus of Rochester, Minn. was able to ih-NIH-shee-ate the second half of this first oral round.

update 1: Thirty in a row do fine until Jersey City's representative got slammed onto the pahr-kay floor. Last year's Youngest Ever Speller Sriram Hathwar is back and aced pour-KYOO-pine, and Thomas Steele just nailed REZ-uh-vwar, which places him ahead of a certain best-selling author ...

update 2: Via our friend Dan Steinberg of the WaPo, the greatest Bee t-shirt ever (so far today). Only three more errors in the last ~40 words -- PEHN-uh-tehnt, VAL-yuhnt (or VAL-ee-uhnt), and MAN-uh-juh-buhl.

update 3: There are two types of words that we tend to be disproportionately better than the kids on -- legal and foodie terminology. And pah-ruh-LEE-guhl and PROH-miss-ore-ee just resulted in errors. How must it feel to err on one of those words and see a subsequent kid get kuh-ZOO?

update 4: I'll just RT @scrippsbee: " - Speller 221 spells incoherently." There's something amusing about that. (Soon followed by " - Speller 234 spells reluctantly."

update 5: Keystone State FAIL. The home-schooled winner from Lancaster doesn't have any HAL-uh-jen bulbs at home, and the Philadelphia representative's word was not chosen FORE-chun-uht-lee (alt: FORE-chun-iht-lee?). PR, RI, SC, SD, TN all perfect, as well as our ihn-COM-puh-ruh-buhl entrant from South Korea, but a string of twelve straight Texas correct spellings ends after a fifth-grader from San Angelo (having made it to D.C. by spelling "inselberg") got tripped up on a fuhn-duh-MEHN-tuhl word.

update 6: Round two is complete, with 265/293 entrants (90.4%) spelling correctly and getting the first +3 added to their scores from the 25-word written portion yesterday. We'll be back at 1:15p with Round 3, which will be available on for some here, the last round in which all 293 spellers compete.