Monday, July 20, 2009

HEAVY ON THE BLOOD, EASY ON SURPRISINGLY NOT SKIMPING ON THE TRUE: Don't expect me to blog more frequently about True Blood than once a season, apparently (I gave up last year but picked it up again this year because lordy what a wasteland TV is this summer). Still, last night's episode, and in particular the flashback to Eric's origins, got me thinking. Alexander SkarsgÄrd is a tall man -- 6'4" in IMDB measurements, which makes him something like an even six feet in the real world. But Sheriff Eric is supposed to be a thousand-year-old vampire, and I thought humans generally had been growing during Eric's lifetime. So shouldn't really old vampires mostly be short, as opposed to the tall, menacing creatures we usually see on TV?

Then I found out that, no, humans 1000 years ago were only a couple of inches shorter than humans now. It was only between the early middle ages and the eighteenth century that people got shorter. That both explains why Eric is not outlandishly tall for a man of his age and why Bill, who looks every bit of his 173 years, is about right (Stephen Moyer's IMDB height of 5'10" translates to about 5'8" in the real world, I think).

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