57 CHANNELS, AND NOTHIN' ON: With the first new TV of the fall season less than a week away (the premiere of the new Melrose Place, now with less Heather Locklear and more Ashlee Simpson-Wentz!), it's time to, with the aid of EW's handy cheat sheet, engage in two ALOTT5MA traditions:
1. Discussion of what we're excited for in terms of the new shows. For me, it's looking like Community and Flash Forward lead the pack, with a possible slot for NCIS: Los Angeles, though I'm concerned that we could have another CSI: Miami here--taking an original show that's enjoyable in large part because it's populated by a group of social misfits and dorks and trying to make it "cool and sexy," which seemed to be the direction the pilot was headed, though the casting of Linda Hunt gives me hope on that front.
2. The annual Death Pool. What show will get canned the quickest? I'm tempted to place my money on Fox's apparently execrable Michael Strahan sitcom Brothers, but given that it's Fox and Friday, I anticipate they'll have patience, but I'm going to stake my claim on Kelsey Grammer's latest attempted comeback--Hank, if just because ABC has Scrubs and Better off Ted ready to go into those slots if need be. The prize, as always, is fame and glory forever, or at least until you fall into the dustbin of ALOTT5MA history.