Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'VE GOT THE POWER: Not quite Kansas City, 1981, but but frightening.

"Korean scientists think they have determined what caused a 39-story Seoul skyscraper to shake violently for 10 minutes, causing the building to be evacuated for two days. Earthquake? Nope. Gale-force winds? Sorry. Volcanic activity? Unh-uh. No, the culprit, they say, was 17-middle-aged gym rats working off the midriff bulge in a Tae Bo class. Apparently, while dancing and boxing to "The Power" by Snap on July 5, the exercisers not only shook their booties, they shook the building."


  1. Meghan4:27 PM

    Man, if they didn't have some body dysmorphic issues before, I bet they do now.

  2. Adam C.4:52 PM

    I'm (literally!) no structural engineer, but I have three reactions:  

    1) no effing way
    2) if effing way, then shouldn't they be calling in the Fringe Unit?
    3) if Broyles won't deploy the Fringe Unit to another country, then I expect CSI: Miami will take this on, leading to an opening stinger with Caruso taking off the shades to quip: "There must have been a whole lotta shaking going on."

  3. The Pathetic Earthling4:54 PM

    Man, I need to remember to use the "If/Then Effing Way" construction.  That's delightful.

  4. Jordan5:23 PM

    I'm pretty sure Mythbusters tried this and...not so much.

  5. Assuming they've correctly identified the cause, what's the fix?  Move the gym to a different floor?  Implement an aggregate weight limit for the tae bo class?  Use "Rhythm is a Dancer" instead of "The Power" to avoid hitting that improbable resonant frequency?
