Tuesday, August 23, 2011

UNNECESSARY REMAKES REDUX; UNNECESSARY DOES NOT MEAN UNENJOYABLE: The critics' darling culture train known as Infinite Jest and the runaway critics' darling big rig known as The Decemberists were bound to collide at a grade crossing somewhere, especially when Ken Tremendous is your traffic officer, and the carnage was bound include shreds of both the original David Foster Wallace work and of the Decemberists ... well, let Isaac explain. So, rubberneckers, to the tennis court for a game of Eschaton.


  1. Matt B10:30 AM

    Semi-related, but has anyone here attempted to read Infinite Jest on a Kindle or other book-reader? 

    I'll be looking for a new book to read soon, and considering giving Infinite Jest a shot - but I'm curious how all of the endnote-flipping works out on a Kindle. 

  2. Jenn.5:21 PM

    Decemberists post... not written by Isaac and/or Spaceboy 1.0... does not compute.
