Thursday, March 19, 2020

BINGING TIME:At a time when many of us are looking for entertainment they can readily binge, and feel they've exhausted what's on Netflix, wanted to offer a suggestion--the CW's Katy Keene.  All episodes of the season are available on the CW app (with commercials).  The show is a spinoff of Riverdale, set 5 years later, and Josie (of "and the Pussycats") has moved to New York to follow her dream, where she shares an apartment with aspiring fashion designer Katy Keene, aspiring Broadway performer Jorge Lopez (who also performs in drag shows at night), and mysterious socialite Pepper Smith (who it turns out is actually a broke con artist).

The show replaces Riverdale's murder and sex with musical numbers, ranging from Christina Aguilera to "My Strongest Suit" from the Elton John/Tim Rice Aida, and uses New York well both as a shooting location and by enabling it to draw from Broadway's talent banks for recurring guest stars (Andre de Shields as a friendly record store owner, Bernadette Peters as Pepper's con artist mentor, Daphne Rubin-Vega as Jorge's mother).

Is it GOOD?  Not really.  Is it incredibly WATCHABLE?  Absolutely, and that's what you probably need right now.