AND RALPH NADER ADVERTISES ON "THIS WEEK IN SELF-DELUSION:" Speaking of "Jeopardy!," today's Times has a fascinating article on what sort of programs both presidential campaigns are advertising on. Interesting tidbits? Bush prefers "Wheel of Fortune" and "Jeopardy!," while Kerry likes to advertise on "Pyramid" and "Family Feud." A more interesting contrast is the fact that Bush advertises heavily on Leno, while Kerry prefers Letterman. But John? Advertising on "Becker?" Gonna have to slap you for that one.
Also interesting in today's paper? This piece, which asks the question "Just how smart is Ken Jennings?" Interesting take on the subject.
And one final point--for raw amusement, it's hard to beat finding the places they had to reloop "Celebrity Poker Showdown" after Cingular withdrew its sponsorship after discovering (gasp!) that people drink and make racy remarks while playing poker. Hosts are talking and then we randomly cut to an overhead shot of the table while they remove the "Cingular" reference. Inadvertent humor is the best.