HERE TO PREVENT CONFUSION: As a public service, we provide this simple guide to the differences between Huckapoo and "I Heart Huckabees," which can cause all sorts of problems.
Huckapoo: Reminiscent of a more inane version of the Spice Girls.
Huckabees: Reminiscent of a more inane version of a Wes Anderson movie.
Huckapoo: Filled with teenage girls giggling.
Huckabees: Filled with adults laughing at people being hit in the face with a red rubber ball.
Huckapoo: Features "Groovy Tuesday" and "Twiggy Stardom."
Huckabees: Features Isabelle Hupert and Naomi Watts.
Huckapoo: Suitable for families, at least based on their appearance on Disney Channel soundtracks.
Huckabees: Rated R for "language and a sex scene."
Huckapoo: Features teenage girls dressed in scanty clothing.
Huckabees: Features Naomi Watts dressed in scanty clothing.
Huckapoo: Inexplicably beloved by Radosh.
Huckabees: Contains inexplicable cameo from Shania Twain.
Huckapoo: Want "me to be me, and you to be you."
Huckabees: Want all to understand that we're just part of one big blanket.
Huckapoo: Proclaim that "you have conquered all my thoughts"
Huckabees: Suggests that clearing head of thoughts is healthy and can be done by repeatedly hitting yourself in the face with a red rubber ball.
Huckapoo: Not actually all that good, but nonetheless highly entertaining.
Huckabees: Not actually all that good, but nonetheless highly entertaining.
Hopefully, this clarifies.