Thursday, October 14, 2004

MORE BASEBALL: Perhaps like generations of young men I am blogging about baseball to keep a writing deadline from coming too soon, but I have good news for all you Yankee-hatas out there. Even thought the Evil Empire looks as if it will defeat Affleck Nation in the ALCS, the Yanks are screwed when it comes to the World Series due to the dreaded Ex-Cub Factor.

The Yankees have six(!) former Cubbies (Miguel Cairo, Tom Gordon, Felix Heredia, Jon Lieber, Kenny Lofton, and Tanyon Sturtze) on their postseason roster, while St. Louis only has three and Houston two. (Boston, incidentally has two.) For those in the dark about the Factor, since the Cubs last appeared in the World Series in 1945, only two teams with three or more Ex-Cubs has won the Series. A further nail in the Yanks coffin is the fact that the only two times the Factor was defeated it was an NL team winning the Series in the ninth inning of Game 7 vs. the Yankees.