JUST TELL THEM THE FABRIC IS EXPENSIVE, AND THEY'LL LOVE IT: In case we haven't been clear before: you must, must must start watching Project Runway if you intend to remain ahead of the cultural curve.
Take The Apprentice. Add demanding tasks that require real craft (designing dresses, purchasing fabric and then sewing the damn things together in 24h), a documentary filming style makes you feel like you're in a working fashion studio and not on a staged set, and you've got a show where the strong-willed, skilled competitors are the stars and not the host and judges. They actually have to create something every week -- a real, wearable dress -- and not merely present an idea or sell more [X] than the other team under controlled circumstances.
Or take America's Next Top Model, but let's add actual aspring New York models -- as Lady Shacklebolt has noted, the models here are bratty, waiflike teenagers, not women in their twenties trying to break into an industry that has already passed them by. (Why else do you think season one winner Adrienne Curry is on Surreal Life 4 and not the runways of Milan?)
This week's episode -- wedding dress design -- heightened the focus on the models' personalities and introduced us to a new concept, the Fashion Cemetery, where previous weeks' failed designs stand on permanent display. It's bitchy fun.
Here's the upcoming schedule, including a triple-shot of reruns Sunday night. Join in.