- UFK? MFK? CFK? They might not have the colonel, but that's not keeping a list of other states laying claim to the bird.
- HALL OF FAME PUNTS: Another year will pass without the greatest injustice in pro sports Hall of Fame snubs being corrected. Ray Guy has once again failed to make the list of finalists for the Pro Football Hall of Fame, meaning that the Canton shrine will remain a punter-free zone.
- SNAP, CRACKLE, PAELLA: Blogger Eric Berlin has a list of some of the odd dishes gracing dinner tables in Spain these days, including a couple of his own imagination. Your job, spot the two fakes. While you're there, check out this early candidate for the quote of the year.
- HE'S A DEMON ON WHEELS: And thus Speed Racer's theme song (go ahead, make those engine revving sounds, I'll wait) lands at No. 41 on Retrocrush's truly amazing countdown of the 100 Greatest TV Theme Songs. The site is revealing the list slowly, so bookmark and check back often. Also at Retrocrush, the 100 Most Annoying Things About 2004 and the Worst Superhero Costumes of All Time.
- AWARDS SEASON: Today's lists of nominees: The Brit Awards and the Screen Actors Guild Awards.
- YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR KEVLAR VEST AT HOME... If you work for one of the businesses on Fortune's list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For (the whole list is only available to subscribers, but you can search the headlines on to see if your employer made the cut).
- THE FIGHTER STILL REMAINS: Using Million Dollar Baby as a news peg, the Chicago Tribune's boxing reporter counts down his Top 12 Boxing Movies.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
LISTS? OF COURSE WE STILL DO LISTS: A reader of this blog wrote in wondering what the hell happened to the list component promised in the blog's mouthful of a name. Well, this blogger's New Year's-plus 11 days resolution is to bring back the list a day (give or take) that was a hallmark of my former home. Thus...
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