Monday, August 15, 2005

IT'S KINDA LIKE DEATH WISH VI, EXCEPT GOOD: While it seems like Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (unsurprisngly) stank, another release from this past weekend is actually a late summer treat--Four Brothers. It's a well-made, well-directed, decently acted throwback to the kind of schlocky "revenge" movie popular in the late 70s. The premise is simple--beloved "community mother" is killed in Detroit--what she was known for is placing foster children with others. However, there were four kids so messed up she took them in herself--the "Four Brothers" of the title. They come back for her funeral and to put the hurt on the bad guys. Of course there's corruption involved, including a bought-off councilman, a dirty cop (hint to casting--while I love the actor who plays the dirty cop, casting him as "dirty cop" multiple times, as has been done, kinda ruins the surprise factor), and a brutal drug lord played by Chiwetel Ejiofor (aka, "that black guy who was in a Woody Allen movie.") It's not great or meaningful filmmaking, but it's solid entertainment for anyone who wants to watch a few bones get crushed and a most-excellent home-invasion shootout sequence.

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