I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU WERE TURNING INTO MY MOTHER'S MOTHER: For all you Lorelai/Rory 'shippers, looks like the band is finally going to get back together next week. Who knew -- except for anyone who saw the promos for the highly touted Milo Ventimiglia guest spot -- that it would be Jess Mariano who would finally knock some sense into Rory's DAR-addled skull? I don't love the heavy-handedness shown by the writers in transforming Logan into the Grand Drunken Asshole of the Life and Death Brigade, but at least Matt Czuchry got something to do besides find Rory a good A/V guy for her latest DAR event.
But the big highlight of this episode was without a doubt the Emily / Rory smackdown in front of the balalaikas. Although it wasn't the most nuanced depiction of Emily we've ever witnessed, it's about time that someone realized that Lorelai is the fulcrum on which all of these relationships are balanced.