Friday, December 9, 2005

NEXT TIME, USE THE SCARF: The WaPo has a nice recap of this week's Runway premiere, including a tidbit which was, at least, news to me:
Last year's "Project Runway" winner, Jay McCarroll, whose style was an enticing blend of sci-fi, technicolor and street style, declined both [$100,000 to help finance his own business and mentoring support from Banana Republic]. (But he did appear in Elle.) In an e-mail conversation, he didn't detail the precise reasons for turning down the money: "Use your imagination there for I am not allowed to talk about it." But he did not dispute the suggestion that, perhaps, there were too many strings attached to such a windfall. As for the mentorship with Banana Republic, "everything was fine with them, just bad timing. I couldn't think about mass production in China the week I won the show. It was all just way over my head. I was pretty emotional for months. 'What the [bleep] just happened to me?' kind of thoughts," he says.

Tell me this, folks: who will stop Santino (whom I might start referring to as General Zod)?