Thursday, May 4, 2006

PROJECT CHRISTMAS, GIVE US SOME ANSWERS, WE'VE GOT NO TIME FOR THESE SILLY PLOTS: So the conflagratory events at the end of last night's Lost ended up pretty much overshadowing a similarly twisty conclusion to last night's Alias. I've now had a little time to recover, and so am ready to open discussion on The Return of Sloane Version 1.0. For the first time in the five-year history of Alias, I feel comfortable saying that when a character is killed, he or she is actually dead. (Having only a handful of episodes left does tend to free one from the shackles of retaining character optionality.) And I think that these last episodes are a return to early Alias, which is always fun. (Sydney under a full West Virginia alias is a hoot under any circumstances.)

What's not great is that it seems inevitable that many of the loose ends left dangling during prior seasons will never be wrapped up. I'm always glad to see Rambaldi as a core plotline, but I just don't see the writers looking to resolve the many unresolved Rambaldi strands. What was that machine way back when -- il dire -- that got built from the 47 different Rambaldi artifacts? What of the prophecy? Who actually is the chosen one? (At one point it looked like the Sydney/Evil Nadia battle at the end of season 4 was intended to be the fulfillment of the prophecy, but now I don't think so.) What happened to the whole "quest for endless life" idea? What was in the test tube of green Sydney goop that Sark slid into his pocket?

And then there's the most frustrating unresolved mystery: there is no doubt in my mind that the document that Lauren led Sydney to at the end of Season 3 was originally intended to be something other than confirmation of Jack's role in Irina's "murder." There is also no doubt in my mind that the document was originally slated to further the Project Christmas plotline. And there is increasingly no doubt in my mind that we will never hear another word about Project Christmas. Grumble.

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