"IT ENDED UP LOOKING LIKE A TOAD EXPLODED ALL OVER IT", OR "SHE LOOKS LIKE A PAPER BRIOCHE": Holy shit. I have never seen an episode of Project Runway with that high of a bitchiness factor before. Probably two-thirds of the designers said something catty about a competitor during the episode. And then Michael Kors showed up, and he was vicious. And then even after the judging . . . wow, there's a sense of self-righteousness and arrogance in that room that's really unfortunate -- but great tv.
So we made the trek to Sopranoland (nice musical cue, almost as good as the Vincent Is Nuts theme) for a challenge that really pressed the designers for time and creativity, and the gap between the best and the worst was as high as we've ever seen. I'd have selected the runner-up as the winner, but that's me. Laura's in a total Daniel Franco zone right now --impeccable construction, not much flash, but certainly competent enough to stay alive. If I had to guarantee one person for the final three right now, it's Uli, who's just pretty damn (quietly) awesome each and every week, with Michael and Kayne filling out the final three.
The downside is that I can't remember an episode that was edited this obviously before -- the three designers in the middle had the least screen-time during the episode, and a rather obvious overdub from Tim mid-episode flagged the loser to me pretty clearly. (Query: What does it say about Heidi's value system that that aesthetic error is the most unforgiveable sin?)
So there wasn't a lot of drama this week, but a hell of a lot of entertainment. Comment time, people -- let's make it work.