Tuesday, August 15, 2006

SAUTEED IN "WRONG SAUCE"? Ryan Star is clearly the Chris Chambers of this season of Rockstar:None of Our Shirts Have Buttons, and I'm only partially saying that because I completed a fantasy football draft tonight. But every time you write the guy off, he delivers a great performance -- and on a Phil Collins song, at that.

Magni was solid, as he's been lately, and Dilana was good -- just not as good as she's been. I liked her more when she scared me, not when she was doing 1970s middle-of-the-road songs. Still, what shocked me about this episode was how harsh the judges were towards Storm: her cover of "I Will Survive" wasn't exceptional (definitive cover: Cake's version), but nor did it deserve the scorn heaped upon it.

Patrice and Zayra just need to go. They cannot possibly win this.

edited to add: Sepinwall also calls shenanigans on the anti-Storm talk.