Thursday, November 9, 2006

AND TODAY, WE RAISE QUESTIONS ABOUT POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY: The People's Choice Award nominations are guaranteed to make you say "what?" Among the ridiculous nominees:
  • Halle Berry and Sandra Bullock nominated as "Favorite Female Movie Star." Berry's sole film in the eligibility period was X-Men 3 and Bullock's was Infamous. Berry is also nominated as "Female Action Star."
  • Of 6 singing nominations, 5 are for country artists (the exception is Shakira), including the guy who sings "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk," which is making my list of worst songs of the year.
  • Tim McGraw's cover of the Corrs' "When The Stars Go Blue" is nominated as "Favorite Country Song."
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt nominated as "Favorite Female TV Star." No one from Grey's nominated in the category.

In happier news, Cameron Diaz was nominated (along with Kirsten Dunst and Scarlett Johannson) for "favorite leading lady," apparently for In Her Shoes, since she hasn't made another movie that's eligible for these awards.