Friday, April 27, 2007

I'M MISSING MY SHOW, THE SEATTLE GRACE SHOW: Since there seems to be demand for it and we haven't had one in a while, here's a post to talk about Grey's. I've found the mopey MerDer plotline a little boring, and, probably because we're about to get a whole lot of her next week, we haven't had nearly enough Addison the past few weeks (or nearly enough Bailey). I did love the moment of nobility we got from McSteamy with Addison (albeit not the weird proposition of Meredith), and the meta with Ava taking the place of the viewer, though. Of course, the Ava/Alex/Addison/McSteamy thread would be far more interesting were it not for the widely leaked spinoff plan, since we pretty much know how this one's turning out.

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