Monday, November 5, 2007

FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS SPONSORLOVE: 40-75% LESS LATE: I don't know, I kind of liked the Three Irritable Stooges in Mexico (though creeped out by what Spacewoman refers to as the "Throw Momma from the Tambien moment"), and all of the actors play the hell out of everything written for them, good or bad. But what I'm really here to do is give you the facts on a fine product from an FNL sponsor: Olay Definity (Foam). I have no idea what this product does, unless it splashes you in slow motion and then colors you in sepia. As far as I can tell, the product name either was randomly selected in a branding snafu resembling one of the old Reese's Peanut Butter Cups commercials (Cowboy: You got your peanut butter in my chocolate! Astronaut: you got your chocolate in my peanut butter! Opera singer: It's delicious! Delicious!), or some genius picked it specifically to evoke a combination of:
[(definition, as in clarity) or (the state of being definite, i.e., certainty)]
[infinity or (de-infinity, i.e., whatever the opposite of infinity is -- either zero or one or negative infinity)].
Personally, I prefer "definite infinity" -- possibly a one-word paradox. Great product name. Makes me feel languorously sepial already.

But I digress. The important thing I wanted to say is that you can now get Olay Definity in foam. Before now, your only Definity-delivery options were stick, invisible solid, cream, paste, fluff, froth, resin, time-release gelcap, I.V., schmear, inert gas, subcutaneous injection, supplement powder, aerosol spray, saturated rag, marination, poison-tipped arrow, sports drink, eardrop, vapo-rub, dialysis, suppository, innoculation, transdermal patch, anti-stick coating, tainted beef, second-hand smoke, and viral pandemic.

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