Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I WISH THE DOG WOULD EAT MY VOTE: By far the most heavily-advertised political issue in California in advance of February 5 is not the presidential primary. It is the revision to the tribal gaming compact. The big issues seem to be whether we're in favor of poorer tribes (if we are, both sides say we should vote for their side) and whether the revision will result in significant revenue to the state (unclear). I've listened to what seems like hours of ads, read the sample ballot, and even listened to an hour-long debate while driving from Riverside to San Diego today, and still I don't have answers to either the questions the partisans are asking (above) or the absolute most important question: how should I vote if I want gambling to be more convenient for all Californians?

If you know, help an uninformed citizen out, please.

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