Tuesday, March 18, 2008

IT FELL OUT OF A TREE AND HIT ME ON THE HEAD: Having now become a two operating-system household with the acquisition of a lovely MacBook Pro (on which this post is being composed), some thoughts on the plusses and minuses of MacWorld:
  • There's a lot to admire about the elegance and simplicity of the Mac OS design--it's simple and generally pretty intuitive--runs quickly, boots fast, and is very clean.
  • One of the nicest things is that rather than having to go through an elaborate series of steps to take a photo from the Internet and drop it somewhere, it's literally drag and drop. Want to import a photo from Facebook into your address book? Drag and drop.
  • Mac clearly syncs better with other Apple products (iTunes, iPhone, Quicktime) than does Windows--everything is crisp and simple.
  • The CD and DVD both deliver high quality sound, even through the speakers, and the built-in camera in the computer isn't half bad.
  • Downsides? Moving files from the PC to the Mac is a pain (I moved my iTunes library by using my iPod as a hard drive, but that resulted in me losing many of my playlists), I miss having a right button on my main mouse (the touchpad has a single button), and there have been a few software problems (to get to work through Citrix, I had to set up Firefox rather than Safari).
I'm hanging on to the PC--have too much software there to lose, and sometimes, you want the desktop experience, but the MacBook Pro makes a pretty damn good argument for its system.