BRILLIANT (?) BUT....: With upfronts for every non-NBC network this coming week, we'll be getting dribs and drabs of pickup and scheduling news all through the week, but the fates of three "bubble shows" have been revealed. Cancelled? Somewhat surprisingly, th
e execrable Back To You will not return to Fox's schedule (though Brad Garrett vehicle
'Til Death will return for a third season). In sadder news, the CW will
cancel Aliens in America, which proved both surprisingly funny and surprisingly tender (with a very funny
Rent parody at one point) as a casualty of its selling off its Sunday programming block, but is now saying that the (much-improved in recent weeks)
Reaper is 80% for renewal. No word yet on any other "bubble" programming, with those of most interest to ALOTT5MA viewers likely being
HIMYM (while a pickup has widely been reported to be a foregone conclusion, no formal announcement has been made),
Boston Legal (which they may just fire everyone save Spader and Shatner from again, since they seem to be interchangeable), and
Eli Stone.
Update: Also done? New Amsterdam. Looking like they're back?
Eli Stone and (most surprisingly) Miss Guided. Picked up to series? New
J.J. Abrams/Joshua Jackson series Fringe.
Update Once More: Boston Legal back, but apparently with a regular cast of just Spader/Shatner/Bergen (if this ends the interminable Clarence plotline, I'm all for it), and
Joss Whedon/Eliza Dushku project Dollhouse picked up for midseason.
Yet Again: Eli Stone officially picked up for short season of 13 new episodes.