Wednesday, September 16, 2009

READING IT IS LIKE COMING HOME TO THE SMELL OF WARM APPLE PIE (FOOD METAPHOR): I've missed Fire Joe Morgan so much that every couple of months (usually prompted by terrible baseball article or that Mark Whicker piece) I punch up the old URL in the hope that somebody quietly updated it. Every time, though, it's the same sad, funny farewell post. So you can imagine my excitement when I read that FJM would be guest-editing Deadspin today.

You know how sometimes you get really excited for something, and then it happens, and it's really disappointing? Like Studio 60 or the Seinfeld finale? Nope, that did not happen at all.

Instead, we got brilliance like this Ken Tremendous takedown of a writer who basically thinks Jeter should be the AL MVP because he's a Yankee, or this DAK piece about somebody who doesn't think Calvin Johnson and Purple Jesus are STARS (caps his). Man, I've missed these guys.