TWAS A BRAVE MAN WHO FIRST ET A ... MUFFIN A LA MODE? It's a tie! (Look for hanging chad.) Results of Humiliation II are final (enough), as 162/163 respondents have, except for Dillard, tried a muffin in their lives, and tried vanilla ice cream, unlike Sue. Coming in a close third was Michele M, whose deviant non-tendency of avoiding chewing gum is shared by one Alan Sepinwall.
Cottage cheese and egg salad were the most-avoided foods, though for the folks falling one shy of perfection their most-avoided food was canned pasta -- one-third of them have not enjoyed the recipes of Ettore Boiardi.
The honor roll of 54 respondents who've tried everything: Racharooni, Maggie, HeatherK, Aimee, littleredcar, Scott, Dan S., Tony, Heather P, nena, Andrew, Maret, Alex Gordon, patricia, smm, chad, Frank, Meghan, Eric J., Benner, kt, lauri, Amy, Nowhereman, Adlai, polarama, Lori, Becky C, slowlylu, jane, Will, Kitty, Maryann, jj, amy (lowercase version), Becca S, Steph (take two), anne57, amanda, Charlie, Alex's son, bill, sarah, MichaelG, Genevieve, Mandee, KR, Tosy and Cosh, Joseph Finn, J. Bowman, Paul Tabachneck, KCosmo's neighbor, JD, Mo1, Jim Bell. Note in particular that Maret, Adlai and Joseph Finn share the Canonical Crown so far, having eaten everything on this list and seen all the cultural works on Tuesday's. [Median was 21 of 22, average was 19.88.]
Results spreadsheet is a Google Document which you are free to manipulate and analyze as you see fit. [Results have been corrected since initial posting.]