Thursday, September 9, 2010

WE GOT SPIRIT, YES WE DO:Even though I'm not paid to do this, I did take a gander at last night's premiere of Hellcats. I suspect it'll be a success, as it's squarely aimed at the CW's demographic of younger women, and, for what it is, is generally well-made (a few sharp quips here and there, and well choreographed and shot tumbling/dancing, even though at a few points, it looks a lot more like strippers than cheerleaders, particularly during the long audition montage). But there are two big problems with the show that prevent me from watching again:
  • A lot of the supporting cast is pretty solid and well cast (Gail O'Grady as the lead's trashy mom, Sharon Leal as the cheerleading coach, Ashley Tisdale as the cheerleading captain), but somehow, they've cast Aly Michalka, who's a black hole of suck, in the lead. Michalka's character is supposed to be a sharp pre-law student, but seems to spend most of her time either staring off into space or dancing like a stripper. (Particularly unfortunate given that one montage is set to a song with the chorus "Party like a rock star! Shake it like a porn star!") Add to it that she's called "goth" by characters several times, and the casting makes no sense. (Michalka ain't goth in the least--see also people who need clarification on what is and is not steampunk.) They were plainly looking for an Eliza Dushku-type, and while Michalka has the pretty, she lacks the edge that's sorely needed for the show to work--she looks like a cheerleader. There's a better show there with a different lead (Missy Peregrym? Kristen Bell?).
  • While we go to massive pains to stress over and over again that the show is set in Memphis (with random Beale Street exteriors slotted in), it's painfully clear that the show is shot in Vancouver. Leaving aside that both "Lancer University" and "Memphis Christian U" have no basis in reality, there's no local color or interest at all beyond a few random references to barbecue and Beale Street. I had some sizable problems with Memphis Beat (folks, you do not hire Jason Lee as your lead, make him a moderately quirky cop, and then make it an utterly dour procedural), but at least it had local color. They need to use the setting better (or maybe at all) or stop reminding folks constantly of how they're screwing it up.
The only thing that might get me to watch again is that it's in a timeslot with not much else--yes, there's Modern Family and Cougar Town, but other network options are Criminal Minds, Hell's Kitchen, and Law and Order: Taking! It! Personally! Tonight, Nikita, which has gotten considerably better reviews, but a timeslot that all but guarantees I'll never watch again--against The Office, Grey's, Fringe, and CSI.