WE HAVE BEEN LED TO DISTINGUISH TWO KINDS OF DRIVES: THOSE WHICH SEEK TO LEAD WHAT IS LIVING TO DEATH, AND OTHERS, THE SEXUAL DRIVES, WHICH ARE PERPETUALLY ATTEMPTING AND ACHIEVING A RENEWAL OF LIFE: Sometimes a Race is just a race, and sometimes it's an excuse for Flight Time to start peeing on the wall at the University of Vienna. This was an episode for music, whether it's "Hello, Dolly" (well, for those who noticed it), "Chim Chim Cher-ee," "The Sound of Music" or Generic Heroic Cowboy Music, so deserved and appreciated this week compared to the Whining of the Goths through tonight's tasks.
For whatever reason, the Amazing Task Testers goofed on one of tonight's -- making it far harder to swallow than intended (I'm guessing) -- but other than that this was a well-designed leg, so long as you didn't focus too much on the product placement.