I have two and a half fast days in NYC with my 8 year old in October. She is dying to see the Statue of Liberty, but would love thoughts on other kid-friendly activities in the NYC area. I will have just subjected her to four days of museum overload in DC, so move-around experiences are particularly welcome. Kind of an aside, but has anyone had luck with Craigslist apartment listings in NYC? There are some cool listings on there but I'm not sure where good deal becomes too-good-to-be-true deal.As a general rule, Craigslist (like pretty much every other sales site) is governed by the idea that if you think it's too good to be true, it probably is. My family's always had good luck with Priceline, especially on weekends, though it's easy to wind up getting stuck downtown, which is not the most convenient place to be.
As for activities, in a lot of ways, September and October are the best time to visit NYC, because it's usually warm enough to be outside without being oppressively hot, as it frequently can get in the summer months. As for activities, Central Park is the obvious one, but I'd also suggest hanging out in Union Square Park or Times Square and people-watching, and Madison Square Park for Shake Shack. In connection with the Statue of Liberty, it's been years since I've done the trek, but I'd also suggest Ellis Island, which is very well done. I'm sure the rest of y'all have suggestions, so weigh in.