WE REMEMBER: The enormity of the day, even ten years later, still staggers me. Two thousand, nine hundred seventy-seven innocents, from the busboys at Windows of the World to Pentagon workers to those heroes forced into action on Flight 93 and those who knowingly risked and lost everything by choosing to enter the World Trade Center because of a sense of duty, three hundred forty three firemen among them.
Since the fifth anniversary we have regularly paused on this day -- sometimes as cultural consumers, sometimes as parents, sometimes as citizens (2006, 2007, 2009, 2010). Remembering the good people of Choteau, Montana, is just one of the many stories to be told of selflessness and heroism which we'll be telling our kids and our grandkids. We can be funny again, and we can be divided again, and we can be normal again. We're just never going to be quite the same again.
This is an open thread for whatever reflections and reactions you have today.