I'M LESLIE MONSTER: I'm sure I've said this before, but I will say it again. There are many things that make me happy. There are many things in the media that I love. But there currently are only two things in the media that make me happy -- and I mean the actual feeling that I have some kind of personal connection to the thing that I'm experiencing, when in fact I know that I do not. The two things in the media that make me happy are Jeff Sullivan writing about baseball in those fleeting months when the Mariners are not hopelessly out of the playoff race (e.g., right up until maybe the fifth game of a seventeen-game losing streak), and Parks and Recreation.
Don't get me wrong, I like Modern Family and I love Community. But I feel like an alien in a world where Parks and Recreation is not the best comedy on television and Amy Poehler did not, over the last year, deliver the best performance (male or female) in a televised comedy. But you know what? It doesn't matter, because that show still makes me happy.
That is all.