Thursday, November 3, 2011

CENTRAL WESTERN TIME ZONE - ADVANCE CLOCKS 45 MINUTES: Time zone anomalies from around the globe.


  1. Jordan11:41 AM

    I once flew from Philadelphia to Albuquerque, changing planes in Phoenix.  One of the cities, probably Phoenix, didn't recognize daylight savings time while the rest of the state did, or vice versa.  So on the iternerary, the time difference Philly to Phoenix < Phoenix to Albuquerque.

  2. littleredyarn4:43 PM

    I once worked for someone who absolutely refused to believe that some parts of the country didn't honor Daylight Savings Time. It made scheduling conference calls...interesting, to say the least.

  3. Slowlylu6:11 AM

    Time zones in Australia are macadamia nuts.
