Tuesday, December 4, 2012

DOWN BY THE RIVER WHERE IT'S WARM AND GREEN:  It looks like starting next season, the NBA franchise in Louisiana will abandon its once-buzzworthy nickname from its Charlotte days to become the New Orleans Pelicans. Runner-up appellations included "Krewe" and "Brass".


  1. Hack publications are already stocking up on oil-slicked pelicans for next years "the Pelicans are stuck in last place" stories.

  2. Wow, both runners up are far better names.

  3. The Pathetic Earthling11:39 PM

    Speaking of new sports team monikers I see the short season A affiliate for Arizona, formerly the Yakima Bears, are now the Hillsboro (OR) Hops. http://www.milb.com/index.jsp?sid=t419 -- That's a slick logo.

  4. I would have gone with the New Orleans Mormons, and tried to arrange a trade with Utah.

  5. Adam C.5:39 AM

    I was going to say that it's going to be hard to make a pelican look intimidating on the logo, but then I remembered that NBA logos, as a rule, are awful. If your NBA team isn't using basically the same logo it used in the 1970s, chances are that your logo sucks.
