WELCOME BACK, WELCOME BACK, WELCOME BACK: No spoilers for the west-coasters, but man, was I happy to see the Survivor All-Stars tonight.
This season is going to be ridiculously thick with layers of strategy on top of history on top of a lot of gratuitous Richard Hatch nudity, and I can't wait for the next sixteen eliminations. I forgot how much I missed DingDangDangOl' Tom and Evil Rob (as opposed to Racist Rob, who I don't miss) -- part of what's great about this new season is that we've got so many good narrators on the islands, people who know exactly how the show works as television and know how to keep us entertained by telling us what they're thinking, and what they think everyone else is thinking. And at that, Hatch is still the standard by which all others are measured. What a prick.
(Seriously, had ER not choppered Romano, we'd have a brilliant triumverate of entertaining narcissists on Thursday night television: Hatch, then Trump, then Rocket. Two out of three, however, ain't a bad night.)
All that, and the emerging RuRu Alliance? It's golden.
The episode re-airs Tuesday at 8p.