With that said, some random notes:
--I have never seen a football field in such shitty condition for a Super Bowl game. Way too slippery for a professional contest, and with no excuse.
--Poor Ricky Manning Jr. Man, he got burnt repeatedly.
--Please, let the Janet Jackson's breast thing be a non-story, ignored like the manufactured faux-controversy it is. She hasn't released a new album in three years, she's desperate for attention (and to distract attention from her brother), and it's just a L'il Kim wannabe piffle. It was an embarrassment, completely inappropriate for a family show, and everyone involved with the halftime show should be ashamed.
--And more: did we really need to see Kid Rock lipsynching a six-year old song about all his heroes at the methadone clinic? Puff Daddy going back even longer to recycle Biggie's lament about the problems of wealth? Feh.
--Worst ad: that awful, retrograde Budweiser ad comparing a football coach to a nagging wife. Incredibly offensive and backwards. I also thought that the CGI stuff in the Van Helsing ad looked really cheap, but that's me.
--The best? I liked Homer for Mastercard, the football players' "Tomorrow" and the beer ad with the dog that bit the guy's crotch, because who doesn't like dogs and crotches? I also share Matt's amusement at any ad with the disclaimer "Erections lasting longer than four hours, though rare, require immediate medical help," because, um, yeah.
The floor is open.